Today is Tuesday and it really feels like a Monday!! Wow! What a weekend!! A Holiday Weekend!! Memorial Day!! & A Wedding Weekend!! Congratulations to Cindy & Phil!! Friday was the rehearsal and Saturday was the Wedding!! Very Beautiful!! I learned so much and Shot over 1,000 pictures!! Friday night I was so overwhelmed that I almost couldn't do it....and that is what actually led to the new name of my business: HEART SHOTS PHOTOGRAPHY!!
I woke up Saturday morning with my coffee & meditations and as I was reading this is what I found.....
Let's make the decision that we're going to make our Heart the place we
"look" from for the rest of the day!
Here is the secret: "It is only through the Heart that one can see rightly."
What is essential is invisible to the eye.
Our Heart has eyes and our Heart has hands.
What is essential is invisible to the eye.
It is only with the Heart you can see rightly ~
So let us look through the Heart today and make it a GREAT day!!
Shoot from the Heart ~ aka HEART SHOTS!!
Isn't that just awesome!!
And then I was sharing with a friend the fear I had of doing the wedding solo & the next "message" I received was: "Don't let your head get bigger that your Heart"
So those are the two motto's I am always going to be forced to remember when I look at my business name!!
The answers are always there if we are
Honest (with ourselves) Open (to hear what is really being said) & Willing (to practice the principles) Thank you for listening!!