About Me

My photo
Toledo, Ohio, United States
My name is Tammy Larson and I am a photographer that LOVES to photograph everything!! It has ALWAYS been a Passion of mine since I first learned to take a picture at a very young age. Specializing in Portrait,Wedding & Event Photography (including Children & Pets) I Love to Capture the Beauty in everything of God's Creation!! And I SHOOT FROM THE HEART!! Photography isn't about Depth of Field it's about Depth of Heart! =)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Just Me....

Today is Tuesday and it really feels like a Monday!!  Wow! What a weekend!!  A Holiday Weekend!!  Memorial Day!! & A Wedding Weekend!!  Congratulations to Cindy & Phil!!  Friday was the rehearsal and Saturday was the Wedding!!  Very Beautiful!!  I learned so much and Shot over 1,000 pictures!! Friday night I was so overwhelmed that I almost couldn't do it....and that is what actually led to the new name of my business:  HEART SHOTS PHOTOGRAPHY!!

I woke up Saturday morning with my coffee & meditations and as I was reading this is what I found.....

Let's make the decision that we're going to make our Heart the place we 
"look"  from for the rest of the day!  
Here is the secret:  "It is only through the Heart that one can see rightly."

What is essential is invisible to the eye. 
Our Heart has eyes and our Heart has hands. 
What is essential is invisible to the eye.
It is only with the Heart you can see rightly ~
So let us look through the Heart today and make it a GREAT day!!
Shoot from the Heart ~ aka HEART SHOTS!!  

Isn't that just awesome!!  

And then I was sharing with a friend the fear I had of doing the wedding solo & the next "message" I received was:  "Don't let your head get bigger that your Heart"

So those are the two motto's I am always going to be forced to remember when I look at my business name!!  


The answers are always there if we are 
Honest (with ourselves) Open (to hear what is really being said) & Willing (to practice the principles)  Thank you for listening!! 


Lacey Lou

Lacey by heartshots
Lacey, a photo by heartshots on Flickr.

Beautiful Blue Eyed Lacey!! This image really shows off her eyes!! =)

Antique Tree

Antique Tree by heartshots
Antique Tree, a photo by heartshots on Flickr.

I Just Love this Tree!! I love tree's in general...this one has so much character...makes me really want to climb it but I'm sure I'll pull or break something in the process!

Thought for the Day: “There are times that we find ourselves paralyzed with fear – unable to decide or unable to move. Stop worrying and start doing. If you really trust God and believe His word, draw on His strength, put aside the worry and start moving forward again – once you do you will find there are wonderful days in store for you.” Have an awesome day today! – Elmer Laydon

My Futures So Bright....

My Futures So Bright.... by heartshots
My Futures So Bright...., a photo by heartshots on Flickr.

Nathen my boy! YOU GOTTA WHERE SHADES!! xoxo

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sugarland - Stuck Like Glue

This is one of Nater Tater's Favorite songs....we used to sing and dance to this song so much!! I miss him so much!! Can't wait to see him so we can sing and dance some more!! Nana LOVES YOU Nathen!! =)

Sunset Silhouette ♥

May 23 113 by tammydeephoto
May 23 113, a photo by tammydeephoto on Flickr.
The sky is the daily bread of the eyes. ~Ralph Waldo Emerso

Bella Mae ♥●•٠·

Bella Mae by tammydeephoto
Bella Mae, a photo by tammydeephoto on Flickr.
Yay! We just received an email that this picture won Bella "Cute Pet of the Day" on Paw Nation!! Woo! Hoo! Our first entry!  Not sure what day it will appear yet! We will keep you informed!

Nater Tater ♥ ~

Nate blue tongue by tammydeephoto
Nate's Blue Tongue, a photo by tammydeephoto on Flickr.
Nathen was helping me with a 365 theme...you guessed it "BLUE" lol  He ate 3 rasberry suckers to get his tongue blue to get the pic!! and make it match his eyes so perfectly!! Gotta love it!! =)  He's such a good little helper!!  xoxoxox  That'sa my baby boy!!

Tiny Tyler Toes ♥ૐ

"Ten little fingers, Ten tiny toes,
The sweetest of smiles
And a cute little nose.
All these add up
To a very special thing 

  ~ a Sweet Lit'l Baby ~
The greatest of gifts that life can bring !

The Rose Garden....♥

And a ONE!

And a TWO!
Finally The Rose Garden is Finished!!
 Now the Waiting Begins Again..... =)

Many thanks to my Gardening Partner and Love of my life.....Joe ♥
 Thank YOU Honey!!
I can't wait to see our hard work pay off!


Daily Thoughts 

A Time to Think
How important it is for us to recognize 
and celebrate our heroes and she-roes! 
~Maya Angelou

To Act
Give thanks for the many men and women 
who gave their lives to defend our freedom.

To Pray
Dear Lord, 
may our military brothers and sisters 
feel our love and support.

Flying the Flag!

I always think of my good friend Mike Burgess on this day...he gave his leg in service to our country...God Bless you Mike!
This flag represents my pride for America. Proud to fly an American flag!


Happy Memorial Day! I feel like Oprah today as I'm giving away one of my "favorite things"! It's a Epiphanie camera bag valued a $185. It's so chic and luxurious that I use it as a regular purse when I have my camera with me. It's uber easy to enter - click on the link below and leave a comment. {yep it's really that EASY!}
I'm giving away a brand spankin' new Epiphanie Camera Bag that I know you'll love, a $185 value. Ends June 6th!


Jesus Himself was continually growing and learning throughout His time here on earth. “Jesus increased in wisdom” (Luke 2:52). “Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered” (Hebrews 5:8). Your Heavenly Father is constantly seeking to help you grow more and more into His vision of you. “The righteous will flourish… they will grow” (Psalm 92:2).
But how can you grow into all God wants you to be?
·  You grow in and through faith. The Apostle Paul told the Christians in Thessalonica how thankful he was that their faith “is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing” (2 Thessalonians 1:3).
·  You grow through the problems you face. Every change, no matter how painful, can lead to new challenges and opportunities. Just as exercise strengthens your body, solving your problems with God’s help proves the truth of the Scripture, “They go from strength to strength” (Psalm 84:7).
·  You grow through knowledge of God and His Word. “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation” (1 Peter 2:2). As you spiritually drink the vital milk of God’s Word, you will grow.
God loves you just as you are. But He wants you to “go on to maturity” (Hebrews 6:1).
Be all you can be for Christ!
Our Prayer 


Take a moment to remember the Fallen
and to be thankful for our men and women 
of the Armed Services past & present! 
May God Bless them ALL & their families also!!