About Me

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Toledo, Ohio, United States
My name is Tammy Larson and I am a photographer that LOVES to photograph everything!! It has ALWAYS been a Passion of mine since I first learned to take a picture at a very young age. Specializing in Portrait,Wedding & Event Photography (including Children & Pets) I Love to Capture the Beauty in everything of God's Creation!! And I SHOOT FROM THE HEART!! Photography isn't about Depth of Field it's about Depth of Heart! =)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


June 7
Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day.--I THESS. v. 5.

Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.--PS. xcvii. 11.

  Serene will be our days and bright,
    And happy will our nature be,
  When love is an unerring light,
    And joy its own security.

Nothing can produce so great a serenity of life, as a mind free from guilt, and kept untainted, not only from actions, but purposes that are wicked. By this means the soul will be not only unpolluted, but not disturbed; the fountain will run clear and unsullied, and the streams that flow from it will be just and honest deeds, ecstasies of satisfaction, a brisk energy of spirit, which makes a man an enthusiast in his joy, and a tenacious memory, sweeter than hope. For as shrubs which are cut down with the morning dew upon them do for a long time after retain their fragrancy, so the good actions of a wise man perfume his mind, and leave a rich scent behind them. So that joy is, as it were, watered with these essences, and owes its flourishing to them.
PLUTARCH. www.ourprayer.org

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