About Me

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Toledo, Ohio, United States
My name is Tammy Larson and I am a photographer that LOVES to photograph everything!! It has ALWAYS been a Passion of mine since I first learned to take a picture at a very young age. Specializing in Portrait,Wedding & Event Photography (including Children & Pets) I Love to Capture the Beauty in everything of God's Creation!! And I SHOOT FROM THE HEART!! Photography isn't about Depth of Field it's about Depth of Heart! =)

Friday, July 8, 2011

A Matter of Life....

It's said that what doesn't kill me makes me stronger. So I am stronger. But perhaps what doesn't kill me makes me choose my life. I'm alive, I do want to live, and I do have a choice in that matter. But how much do I want to live? How alive do I want to be? And what quality of life do I choose? For me, existing, and just breathing in and out, is not truly living. So I breathe passionately. ~~KB

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful photo and wise words to live by. I agree, it is not enough to breathe but I want to live life to the fullest. I want to live passionately.
